請問PJiang老師,485關於被捕的那一項Part 3,item 1.
我以前跟老婆吵架被捕一次,然後case NOLLED (終止訴訟)。
1c上麵打no.然後part 3別的都是no.
- each item is irrelevant
另外按照485的instruction,對於被捕記錄,遞交的時候要有An original or court-certificated copy of the complete arrest record and /or disposition for each incident(e.g. dismissal order,conviction record or acquittal order).
我現在手頭有一份court certified的一張紙,上麵說的內容是 case #, state vs 我,date of offense, charge, 然後就是disposed on 日期NOLLED.
請問這個不算complete arrest record吧?那我還是要去那個court或者警察局去要一份complete arrest record吧?
- good to me, you will be notified when it is not sufficient