My answer

我的 NIW 140 2006年8月遞交,2008年初批準,485 也在2007年七月大放水的時侯遞交。現在一直是PENDING。最近我老婆交了一個EB-1A,也批了。我現在有幾個問題想請教各位大俠。

1)兩份140 有不同的主申請人。這種情況下,能否relink 我的485 到我老婆的140上來?
Certainly! Mine is EB1A. My LG's EB2 485 也在2007年七月大放水的時侯遞交。一直是PENDING。

2)如果可以,根據各位的經驗,這個操作是否會比重新遞交485花更長時間(>=3 month)?
Relink is much faster, indeed. However, whether your request of relink can be taken care of by someone there is a hard process. We are just lucky. I'd suggest that you at least try first: call, write, and call.

3)我老婆的140 和我的485 用的是同一個A#。 這種情況下,是不是移民局會自動relink?
Did your wife include a letter about her and your 485 when she applied for her EB1A 140? I did and they relinked it automatically.
