Thank needwait and teacher pjiang! One more question...

Needwait and teacher pjiang,

Thank you both very much for answering my question. Now I think I should be able to come back with my valid AP while my H-1B extension is still pending. Another concern, in teacher pjiang's article, it seems extending H-1B after coming back to US using AP is no problem, then how about my situation, will using AP affect the ongoing H-1B extension application?

Hope I am not driving you guys crazy by being so paranoid.

Teacher pjiang, I'd like to thank you for writing so many knowledgeable and interesting articles that can explain intimidating and dry regulations in a fun and easy way to us. I really appreciate your attention and time to my question. I actually felt honored when I saw your post last night. I'm sure everyone in this forum is grateful like me, too.

Best regards.
