如何回信呢,是否要在信中(cover letter)指出這一點(NIW沒有permanent的要求)。
-Yes, all the EB categories including NIW require permanent position.
現在有點擔心老公的學校不肯開信,因為博士後不是個永久職位。否則的話我們隻能讓學校開封employment verification letter, 並不給學校看這封補件通知了。這樣可行嗎?
-You do not need to show the RFE to your employer. Just ask your hu*****and's Dept Chair or Dean to provide this kind of letter indicating your hu*****and's position title is research associate/research scientist (not say postdoc), and the position has no specific term and your hu*****and will ordinarily have an expectation of continued employment unless there is good cause for termination. Your hu*****and may draw the letter for the chair or dean to sign (discuss this with the chair or dean first to get their permission).