Sometimes it takes longer over ten days to receive the mail. I would strongly suggest you call USCIS if you have not received it within 10 days, because you are usually given 1 month to respond REF. I have a similar situation, I called USCIS and they promised to resend and fax me REF (Luckily, I also received it today 12 days). Do not wait more than 2 weeks as you do not know how long it will take to prepare response.
Call USCIS before response time expires
OK. Thanks!
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04/20/2009 postreply
do I call 1-800-375-5283 in the message?
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04/20/2009 postreply
回複:do I call 1-800-375-5283 in the message?
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04/20/2009 postreply