-The school usually does not check your status for your graduation. As along as you pay the tuition and have a good grade, you have no problem to graduate. But I still suggest you to change your status to F1 because this is a very simple procedure. Also, you never know you may want to come back to U.S. someday in the future, so leaving another future choice is good to you.
• 回複:回複:回複:你要自己來決定是否冒這個險。 -sunnycg66- ♀ (270 bytes) () 03/15/2009 postreply 22:54:15
• 回複:回複:回複:回複:你要自己來決定是否冒這個險。 -863211- ♂ (369 bytes) () 03/16/2009 postreply 06:27:43
• 回複:回複:回複:回複:回複:你要自己來決定是否冒這個險。 -sunnycg66- ♀ (118 bytes) () 03/16/2009 postreply 23:06:14