回複:老婆懷孕三個月,I-485被RFE X-ray,怎麽辦?

Get a letter from your wife's OB Doctor to approve that she is currently pregnant, and there are some risks for the baby if she is doing the x-ray now. Ask if they can delay this request after baby born. At same time, ask your lawyer to draft a letter to request USCIS to process her case first and to do a make up test later.

I received a RFE for TBS test as well (RFE letter request to do the skin test and provide x-ray report copy). I did skin test and result returned negative, and doctor wrote a note to USCIS saying there is no need for x-ray. I also acquired a letter from my OB doctor because I am currently pregnant as well. My case was approved a week after I returned RFE.

Don't worry, my atterney's office said that usually they will process your case now and send you another request later (after your baby born) to make up the test if your skin test returns postive (and there is a x-ray needed).

Good luck!
