回複:回複:calm down first and think next step

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回答: calm down first and think next step應采兒2008-12-31 10:42:33

I don't know what you means about "婚外情".If your Hu*****and only broswer sex websites,or online talking with Chinese girl,It is not 婚外情.I think your hu*****and have no opportunities to come to China to have a sex.You should know "男人是下身動物",你應該學會駑夫術.試想一想,如果你丈夫受A3 和上司氣,回家還受你冷麵孔和性製約,他不出事才怪.
我沒有任何責備你的意思。你想維持婚姻,得到錄卡,你必須付出努力.It is not too late now.
