收到I140REF,要求提供文章的citation. 有兩篇在美國發表的,不過隻有2-3個引用。還有一些國內的文章,和現在做的方向關聯不大, 但引用次數較高,不知道是否對REF有幫助。另外,是否要在例如推薦信中提一下?
******** it is a good evidence to indicate the impact of your work/achievements on your peer's, 是bi要在例如推薦信中提一下, but the articles citing yours should be autorized by independent workers, not anybody from your coauthors.
*********the review performed by Independent authors is the most important citation, you should 大書特書. 有必要把所有的引用文章(中文)都找出來 if possible. translate the abstract and the pages or paragraphs citing your work into English.
Good luck.
Again, Just for your reference.
No laws were found to support my claims (Otherwise the law expert 'kekoukele' will question again).
Not responsible for the misleading incurred by the any above statements.