剛發現半年前批的140上的Receipt Number和原來的Receipt 上的不一樣,有個0變成了8,估計是他們操作時的失誤。但A#和我的名字都是對的。而且我已經拿到綠卡了。
- Not an issue
昨天突然收到USCIS的Email,說“On September 26, 2008, we mailed a notice requesting additional evidence or information in this case I140 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR ALIEN WORKER.”
- You will be more clear when you receive the paper notice. BTW, I think you may be over concerned though.
收到這個Email後我仔細看了140的Approve Notice,才發現他們把Receipt#搞錯了。真搞不懂他們怎麽會犯這樣低級的錯誤!