綠了,又一個困難戶(I485 2004,婚姻綠卡)告了後也終於綠了

綠了,又一個困難戶(I485 2004,婚姻綠卡)告了後也終於綠了
剛收到這個WOMer (麻州法庭, file WOM as Pro Se---means sue USCIS/FBI without lawyer)的EMAIL:

Good morning.

I got my case online status update as following:

Current Status: Notice mailed welcoming the new permanent resident.On September 16, 2008, we mailed you a notice that we had registered this customer's new permanent resident status. Please follow any instructions on the notice. Your new permanent resident card should be mailed within 60 days following this
registration or after you complete any ADIT processing referred to in the welcome notice, whichever is later. If you move before you get your new card call customer service. You can also receive automatic e-mail updates as we process your case. Just follow the link below to register.


"前幾天另外一同胞給我們描述她的申請: 2004交I485申請到CHICAGO, 做了兩次指紋,等了兩年後發現USCIS可能找不著她的申請了, 要了I-485申請複印件,叫回家等,也叫她做好再交申請的準備, 半年後再次去BOSTON問,還是沒信, 問要不要再交I-485, 答曰再等一等,他們要確認是真的丟失後才能重新交,一個月後說在Vermont service center 找到她的申請了(一直沒明白是怎麽從CHICAGO飛到Vermont service center 的), 幾個月後還沒信,再問,說申請是在California , NOT VSC),所有都CLEAR了, 他們會發信去催CSC,叫回家等,等幾月後, 再次問,同一官員,說申請還在CSC,"case is under processing". 可回家上網一查,顯示申請在" Missouri Service Center, not California" ? 再次去詢問,說他們的係統顯示申請還在CSC,網上顯示的錯誤的. 找律師向CSC詢問,說申請不在他們哪兒, 應該在"Missouri Service Center". 律師再次詢問,從"Missouri Service Center" 收到信, 說申請轉到CSC了, 不久又收到信,說申請抓到BOSTON了, 前不久再次去問,說 "case need additional review" ... 讀到這兒你暈了沒有 ? 反正是申請人已經暈了,我們也暈了, 決定告了."

看來USCIS就是欠抽, 這位同胞是婚姻綠卡,所以從來沒有排期問題, 二月的NC MEMO也掃清了NC障礙,可還是這麽拖拉, 你說他們是不是欠抽.
