回複:急問:H1 Transfer

十月一日生效,還未在A 上班,沒有任何 pay-stub;現在剛拿到另一個公司 B 的offer, 我想趕在十月一日前完成H1 transfer,
-You can not do H-1B transfer before Oct. 1 because your status is not H-1b yet by that time.

1.如果H1 transfer不能在十月一日前搞定( application package),是不是我就得去A 上班,要拿到至少 two pay-stubs 後才能做H1 transfer?

2.H1 transfer 有沒有 similar job and salary requirements? 如何查prevailing wage? 公司A and B 給我的 job title 是不同的,薪水也差好多,隻是為了家庭原因,我還是選擇薪水低的公司B.
-H-1 transfer = New H-1 petition, and nothing to do with the old one. So, there are no similar job and salary requirements.

3.H1 transfer 有必要請律師嗎?因為我擔心如果用公司的律師做,可能會拖拖拉拉地耽誤時間,趕不上十月一日.
-Your new employer will file the petition for you.
