
來源: aegeanboat 2008-08-15 10:26:58 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (3008 bytes)
I am a medical researcher at Harvard Medical School. While all of us are enjoying and appreciating one of the best Olympic Games in history hosted by our motherland, Boston Metro newspaper with a large readership in the city went a great length to slander and sabotage our game efforts. Last Friday morning, right before the opening ceremony, the cover story in the Metro newspaper painted a two-faced image of China in preparations for the coming Olympic Games, criticizing China ranging everything from issues involving human rights, corruption, and Tibet… Not a single positive aspect was mentioned about the great efforts the Chinese people and government dedicated to the games. 西方媒體戴有色眼鏡是事實。但人權問題、腐敗也是不爭的事實。這些和中國政府對奧運的努力有什麽關係呢?However, the performance of the opening ceremony was just jaw-dropping. Every one of my American colleagues who watched the opening ceremony really enjoyed and says highly of the opening ceremony performance. However, Boston Metro newspaper didn’t say anything about it, either good or bad for 6 days in a row. 人家不評論是人家的自由。不評論有各種原因。有可能是小報沒有一手資料,也有可能他們認為其他事情更重要。你也不能要求人家非要報道啊。I thought the Metro paper probably would say nothing more to slander our motherland. Today on August 15th 2008, I was outraged by the Metro newspaper’s cover story about the Olympic Games in Beijing. This time the Metro paper, not much about politics as it did last Friday, but purely attacked the opening ceremony and the organization of the Olympic Games. The criticisms range from fake fireworks, lip-synched 7-year-old, athletes with faked ages, and faked supporters paid to attend. Again, not a single comment is on the positive side. 後兩項有爭議。我的美國同事也問過我看法。我回答這些都隻是大家的猜想(有片麵的事實但不確鑿)。除非你能拿出出生證明或其它更強的證據,否則憑空猜測對那些女孩來說也是不負責任的。但前兩項弄虛作假是不爭的事實。作假成風和對人的不尊重一覽無餘!丟死人了!!You may wonder why the news coverage from the Boston Metro consistently mistreated all the Chinese efforts dedicated to the games. If I were someone who knew nothing about China, I would have thought China were such an ugly monster instead of knowing the truth. I highly suspect the insidious motivation behind the coverage of the Olympic Games in Beijing by Boston Metro newspaper. At least, it mounted to no respect to all the Chinese people.
最近國人已經敏感到極限。別人一說什麽就氣憤,就要抗議。我認為這是一種極不自信,需要別人承認的表現。 你要反駁人家,就要針尖對麥芒,邏輯對邏輯。人家說你國家有問題,你說我們的開幕式有多好,這就不是反駁的方式。人家說你弄虛作假,你說我們“政府和人民”為奧運真是作出無限犧牲,這也不是正確的爭論。另外,之前我的同事談起假“禮花腳印”,我還反駁說是高科技呢。現在我連臉往哪裏放都不知道。所以說,我們要維護國家,首先要了解我們是不是能夠理直氣壯地去維護。別人不了解中國,我們是不是可以理直氣壯地說我了解,而且我的了解並不是從道聽途說的或從政府哪裏得到的呢?


回複:我加了一些看法在下麵。不吐不快。請指正。 -coolbabe- 給 coolbabe 發送悄悄話 (85 bytes) () 08/15/2008 postreply 10:54:10

回複:我加了一些看法在下麵。不吐不快。請指正。 -patchclamp- 給 patchclamp 發送悄悄話 patchclamp 的博客首頁 (40 bytes) () 08/15/2008 postreply 16:37:42

我也覺得很丟人, 尤其還有這麽多人找理由 -patchclamp- 給 patchclamp 發送悄悄話 patchclamp 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/15/2008 postreply 16:39:00



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