pjiang, xbt and all experts 請教,續:這個Employment Letter for 485 RF

July 28, 2008

To Whom It May Concern:
This letter serves to confirm our intention to employ Mr. XXX as a xxx(title) at xxx company in xxx city, xxx state, as a full-time
regular employee on a permanent at-will basis beginning on August 18, 2008. Mr. xxx will report to xxx, Manager - department xxx, and will receive an annual salary of $xxx. xxx company has not had any difficulty paying its employees in the past and does not anticipate any such problems in the future.

Mr. xxx's primary duties and accountabilities as a title xxx will include:
1. xxx
2. xxx
3. xxx
4. xxx
5. xxx



Senior Recruiter

這個Employment Letter for 485 RFE Employment 可以嗎?
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來源: bayuesheng 於 08-07-28 14:59:09 [檔案] [博客] [舊帖] [轉至博客] [給我悄悄話]

我馬上要換工作了,現在485PENDING 超過一年,八月就要CURRENT了。以防會有485 EMPLOYMENT RFE,我現在就向將來的EMPLOYER要了一封Employment Letter。請大家看看行嗎?

July 28, 2008

To Whom It May Concern:
This letter serves to confirm our intention to employ Mr. XXX as a xxx(title) at xxx company in xxx city, xxx state, as a full-time
regular employee on a temporary at-will basis beginning on August 18, 2008. Mr. xxx will report to xxx, Manager - department xxx, and will receive an annual salary of $xxx. xxx company has not had any difficulty paying its employees in the past and does not anticipate any such problems in the future.

Mr. xxx's primary duties and accountabilities as a title xxx will include:
1. xxx
2. xxx
3. xxx
4. xxx
5. xxx



Senior Recruiter

"on a temporary at-will basis beginning on August 18, 2008" 中的“temporary" 會有問題嗎,是不是因為我還沒有去上班,所以HR put "temporary" here? 我預先要這封信的目的就是想準備好,到時讓從新簽個日期就可以了。不知行不行?大家都知道HR辦點事有多慢。所以才想預先準備好。。。。。
