
去年,我遞交了兩個I-140 (NIW and EB1A), 兩個I-485,分別連接到他們對應的I-485上,結果兩個I140都批了,遲遲不見綠卡下來,詢問結果,結果如下:
“…This case was sent to a supervisor, but because of the VISA was not currently available, the case was sent back to the shelf.
LIN ######, priority date 1-26-07 E21
LIN *******, priority date 1-8-07, E21
According to the June VISA Bulletin 2008, the priority date for 2nd preference Chinese is 4-1-04. It appears that a VISA is not currently available”

1. 我的LIN *******, priority date 1-8-07,明明是EB1A,那麽說應該是
E11 An alien of extraordinary ability, 而不該是E21, 對不?如果是這個問題導致的綠卡延誤, 那麽我應該跟誰聯係,讓他們更正錯誤?
2. 如果是因為有兩個I140和兩個I485的問題導致的,我是否應該將基於NIW的485 撤下?


1,如果是類別搞錯,和審理你案件的中心聯係 2。就是一個 -xiaobaitu- 給 xiaobaitu 發送悄悄話 xiaobaitu 的博客首頁 (268 bytes) () 06/30/2008 postreply 08:31:43

Thank you so much. -GC_luck2007- 給 GC_luck2007 發送悄悄話 GC_luck2007 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 06/30/2008 postreply 09:35:45
