
I mailed all required materials to my school international service in early May and ask to start OPT in Mid July. I called the secretary there and confirmed that everything was received and they would start processing right away.
I thought things should go well.
However, two days ago, the councilor emailed to say that he saw my application and was concerned that may not be able to make it by Mid July. He knew that I sent applicaiton in May but somehow he only got to work on it now. He said he would request expeidate process. He suggested me informing my employer that I probably won't be able to start work as requested or I have to do some unpaid work before i get my OPT.

I know the International office can be very busy. I don't know what to say to the councilor. He already said he would request expedite processing. But I am really worried that i won't be able to get my OPT by mid-July since it is only three weeks away. Anybody got any ideas?
