
此條規定不是新規定,隻是針對DOL 12/27/2004和5/17/2007頒布的一些LC法規而做出的解釋.目的是為了防止LC買賣作假.隻有老印才搞這一套.中國人基本是真實雇主真實工作,所以不用擔心什麽. 再說了,DOL連本身的工作都做不完,它們哪有空把以前的LC都翻出來審查?即使抽查,大概率也給老印頂去了.從另外一方麵來說,對中國人不失為好事:

USCIS hereby clarifies the impact of two recently published DOL rules on the adjudication of H-1B petitions pursuant to AC21 §106(a), and § 104(c) and Form I-140 petitions pursuant to §106(c) of AC21, INA 204(j). The two DOL rules are the “Labor Certification for the Permanent Employment of Aliens in the United States; Implementation of New System”, [69 FR 77326], hereinafter called the “Perm Rule” (published on December 27, 2004, and effective as of March 28, 2005); and the DOL Labor Certification for the Permanent Employment of Aliens in the United States; Reducing the Incentives and Opportunities for Fraud and Abuse and Enhancing Program Integrity, published in the Federal Register, hereinafter call the “Perm Fraud” rule, published on May 17, 2007, (71 FR 27904), which took effect on July 16, 2007.
