我和老公485pending,現在都用EAD工作。Both EADs 在十,十一月將過期,現在準備RENEW (paper file)。我們8月中計劃去加拿大兩星期,用AP。
1)EAD renew form line 14 and 15,Manner of Last Entry/Current Immigration Status, 應該怎麽填? 老公是H1入境, 我是去年TN入境. Both H1 and TN have expired already. Current Status 是 AOS 嗎? We will go to Canada after mail out EAD renew forms. Will there be a problem in term of the status, date of last entry, etc.?
2) EAD renew form line 11, what date to put there, EAD expire date or approval date?
3) 我們下星期搬家(same area), EAD renew 肯定會用新地址. 除了填網上的Online Change of Address以外, 還需要做什麽嗎? Mailing address on 485pending cases will be changed at the same time, correct?
4) At the end of the Online Change of Address form, what date to put in line "if not a Permanent Resident, my stay in the US expires on"? We are 485 pending...
Thank you for everyone's help!!