回複:NSC EB1b收到RFE求助

don't know your background detail, so can only give following suggstion:

**The petitioner claims that the beneficiary has made original scientific or scholarly research contributions to the academic field; however, the evidence ted with the petition is insufficient to establish that the research of the beneficiary has had an impact in the field. Therefore, please documentary evidence to show that the beneficiary's original
scientific or scholarly research have contributed to the field.

-- good jounal publication, more publications, higher impact factor (explain it!), more patents, ......

The petitioner s several letters from individuals making
recommendations on behalf of the beneficiary; however, while several of the letters express that the beneficiary's work with the *** algorithm along with other research is groundbreading, none of the letters are supported by documentary evidence establishing that the benefinciary's research has indeed been used to make an original contribution to the field. Therefore,
please documentary evidence to establish such finding.

--solid evidence: good journal, higher impact factor, high citation, other scientists follw up, industrial/business application.....

** Also, the petitioner indicates that the beneficiary's research work has been used by others to further research in the academic field. However, after review it does not appear that the beneficiary's work has risen to the level of outstanding in the field. Please documentary evidence to show that others in the field find the beneficiary's work to be outstanding and are using it to further research.

--citation, others research follow up.....

** It is achnowledged that the petitioner ted evidence to establish that the beneficiary has participated either individually or on a panel, as a judge of the work of others in the same or an allied academic field. Please documentary evidence to establish that it is outstanding relative to others who participate in the peer-review process

--evidence, evidence, evidence.....

** It is noted that the beneficiary has published articles; however, this docs not appear to be an extraordinary number of articles. Please provide evidence of any other scholarly book, book chapters or articles that the beneficiary may have authored or co-authored prior to the filing date of the petition. Futhermore, please evidence to establish the number of
times the beneficiary's published materials has been cited or used by others. This information can be botained from a website such as SciFinder and Google Scholar, just to name two.

--please specify that such publication number in your field is high number, by reference letter and journal number, or any related evidence...

** Please any other documentary evidence that will establish that the beneficiary is outstanding in his/her academic field.

--keep in mind, reference letter is NOT an evidence. You HAVE TO submit more SOLID evidence, i.e more publication, citation, other interest your research, media report ...any kind EVIDENCE.

Be sure to provide EVIDENCE to any sentence you stated in your petition letter!
