1. background check,
It seems they often forgot to do BC for dependent cases.
when processing the case, they begin to do it and put the case into backlog. It will take one month to one year to resume the case when cleaning-up backlog. In general, 3 months.
2. fp, they will send notice within one month.
3. mistakes.
the worst case is they lost your doc. it may take years.
4. mailing issues or computer problems.
they outsourced their delivery service to outside company. it may already send the letter without email notice. just wait.
You can call them to check what reason causes your case delay through 1-800 xxx service, there is option called "family member cases approved but some members are not approved" (don't remember the original sentence.
also you can go to infopass to check.
good luck!
回複:this is normal this day. Some reasons I collected are as fol
回複:回複:this is normal this day. Some reasons I collected are as
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05/30/2008 postreply