Question:H1-B holder is planning back to China for one year or t

How to resume H1-B status if I want to get back US?

Could you please tell me whether the following information is true?
Result by Searching on google:
USCIS Offers New Guidance on “Period of Admission”
December 22, 2006

Remaining H1B Time May Be Sought After Leaving U.S. for More Than One Year

Previous guidance relating to foreign nationals in H1B
status indicated that once a foreign national left
the United States for a period of one year, he or she would be subject to the H1B cap when applying for readmission to the United Sates in H1B
status. New guidance provides that if a foreign national has not
exhausted the sixyear maximum period of H1B time, he or she may apply for readmission to the United States for the remainder of time left on the initial sixyear period without being subject to the H1B cap,
regardless of how long he or she has been outside the United States. Foreign nationals who elect to seek a new period of six years after being outside the United States for at least one year will remain subject to
the H1B cap.
