
Chinese government does not approve tourism to US, so in reciprocal, all PRC B1/B2 visa applicants need an invitation from the US side, although it's just a formality in recent years due to Chinese are wealthier now. So, it's formality, sibling, remote relatives, neighbors, friends you bearly know, all can come with your invitation if they can prove that they have means/ties and will return to China as promised after this trip.


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回複:回複:回複:有為兄弟姐妹辦B2簽證成功的嗎? -桂雨瀟瀟- 給 桂雨瀟瀟 發送悄悄話 桂雨瀟瀟 的博客首頁 (26 bytes) () 03/27/2008 postreply 09:57:16
