here is what happened!

You are lucky to get the LUD so fast after the first 2.
The 1st LUD: Mail room received the RFE.
The 2nd LUD: Mail room contractor check the RFE is the correct with what requested.

The 3rd LUD: RFE combined with the original 485 file and sent to the original IO for final review.

Mind RFE returned on 01/30 and got LUD 01/30 and 01/31. Since then, no LUD. I am stuck at the TSC.

Wish you go green soon.


Oh, I see. Thanks. You will go green soon, too. 回複:here is what -happyxie- 給 happyxie 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 03/10/2008 postreply 13:27:15

You are welcome. Make sure you come to update us when green -iapcjj- 給 iapcjj 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 03/10/2008 postreply 13:40:10

Sure! I have another question. -happyxie- 給 happyxie 發送悄悄話 (207 bytes) () 03/10/2008 postreply 13:49:28

回複:Sure! I have another question. -iapcjj- 給 iapcjj 發送悄悄話 (109 bytes) () 03/10/2008 postreply 13:56:27
