
我會申請EB1 綠卡, EB1非凡的能力或EB1傑出教授,有沒有什麽辦法預測或防止移民局提交了補充證據 - Request For Evidence?

It may be possible that the USCIS officer is not convinced that your petitioning under an EB-1 (EB1 Extraordinary Ability or EB1 Outstanding Professor) category has met the burden to prove that you qualifies for the EB-1 category. In such a case, they will typically submit a "Request For Additional Evidence" (RFE) seeking certain forms of evidence that the USCIS finds lacking.

Therefore, you should takes great effort to present a strong case when you file the EB1 immigrant application, so that it may be approved without a request for additional evidence. Nevertheless, there is no way to predict how a particular USCIS officer reviewing your case will respond. Sometimes, even some very strong cases receive a "Request for Additional Evidence". Even in such situations, a lot of cases are usually approved after applicants prepare and submit the additional evidence. Also see http://www.greencardapply.com/question/question07/question07_1031.htm

•  大部分已發表的論文不是第一作者, 你看我還有機會申請EB-1A綠卡?
•  H-1B 為期一年的延期, 或3年延期?
•  請問 Form I-485 交了以後是不是 O1 Visa 不能延期了
•  剛收到我的 NIW Application Form I-140 的RFE
•  EB1A 特殊人才綠卡係列之1: Three Ideal Options for a Green Card Applicatio