congratulations!!!please post detail, and share with us.thanks


回複:congratulations!!!please post detail, and share with us.thank -ddso- 給 ddso 發送悄悄話 (123 bytes) () 03/06/2008 postreply 12:47:55

one more question, thank you for your answer -lc4gc- 給 lc4gc 發送悄悄話 lc4gc 的博客首頁 (255 bytes) () 03/06/2008 postreply 12:50:50

today, 1:45PM -ddso- 給 ddso 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 03/06/2008 postreply 12:53:00

thanks. enjoy your freedom!!! -lc4gc- 給 lc4gc 發送悄悄話 lc4gc 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 03/06/2008 postreply 13:01:53
