NIW RD 10, 2006 NSC --- DIY! Got RFE today and need to be done in 2 weeks.
1.You must establish you have a past record of specific prior achievement that justifies projections of future benefit to the national interest. You must establish, in some capacity, your ability to serve the national interest to a substantially greater extent than the majority of your colleagues. You must demonstrate to some degree your influence on your field of employment as a whole.
Does it mean that I need more reference letters?
----yes. you had better submit more than 2 to show you are outstanding among your peers, based on an evulation of your past work, and ongoing work, which should be emphasized by your current pi. also you can show them other evidences, such as membership, reviewer, awards, fellowships to demonstrate you are above the mojority of your peers.
2. It is noted that you have ted some articles written in Chinese. If these articles establish additional influence on your field of endeavor, you must certified English translations.
It seems impossible to translate my Chinese papers into English... They are long and close to 10 papers.
--- they are important to establish your credit that you are outstanding since you have only one first-authorship paper in english. try to summarize them if you don't have enough time. I just given them the chinese papers with translated abstracts when I dealt with it. if they are cited, show them the citations.
3. I have only one first author English paper and the citation is only 4 times (2 of them are collaborators). NSC needs more citation...
------if you don't have more citation, write a letter to explain by yourself, or your pi.
PS: I have over 10 first author Chinese papers.
-----show them.
How to handle that??
---also, if you haven't write a personal statement, please add it this time. in the statement, you try to show your best.
good luck.
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03/03/2008 postreply