EB1A case approved, plus my situation

今天得知我的 EB1A I-140 and NIW I-140 批準了,心情很舒暢。覺得要寫點什麽。無奈文筆太糟糕,就記錄一下事實,僅供參考
首先感謝我的朋友給我推薦了一個好律師,2500美元,NIW and EB1A 都包括了。

My situation:

My NIW I-140 is approved yesterday (submitted to NSC in Feb., 2007) without LUD. MY EB1A I-140 is submitted to NSC in Jan. 8, 2007, LUD 2/18/08, approved 2/25/08.

My situation: I got my Ph.D degree in 2006. 2007 Jan.(work as a postdoctoral fellow), I submit my EB1A case. In 2007 Feb., I submit my NIW case. H1B status, Publications 40- 10 first authored, Citations around 200, Presentations 28, editor for one journal, associate editor for another journal, a guest editor for a special journal in our field. I have two honor award from American Societies. I am members of 2 societies who need some publications like Sigma Xi. I got 7 letters with 5 independent, three from outside of the US.


Very strong case, GXGX! -usedtobeadoctor- 給 usedtobeadoctor 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 02/25/2008 postreply 11:28:21

什麽律師這麽好,可不可以提供消息? -rainbowohio1234- 給 rainbowohio1234 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 02/25/2008 postreply 13:51:04

回複:什麽律師這麽好,可不可以提供消息? -GC_luck2007- 給 GC_luck2007 發送悄悄話 GC_luck2007 的博客首頁 (600 bytes) () 02/25/2008 postreply 14:06:52

how did you ask for the independent letter, could you -xin- 給 xin 發送悄悄話 xin 的博客首頁 (72 bytes) () 02/26/2008 postreply 07:17:26
