
來源: just-do-it! 2008-02-19 20:25:05 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1951 bytes)

第一段:Additional evidence is requested to assist the Service evaluate eligibility for a national interest waiver pursuant to the tests established in Matter of New York State Dept of Transportation, 22 I&N Dec.215 (Comm.1998). (Please note: the evidence already ted demonstrates that the proposed research employment has substantial intrinsic and national in scope).

----it asks why you don't apply for lc,if it is harmfull through lc application.

Please any available additional documentary evidence that, as of the petition priority date, you had a degree of influence on your field that distinguishes you from other scientists with comparable academic/professional qualifications. The evidence may include, for example, copies of additional published articles that cite or otherwise recognize your research achievements. Similarly, evidence of official recognition conferred on you by governmental entities or professional organizations may also be ted.

---write a documents to talk about your work's influency in the field, such as xxx cited your paper to establish his hypothesis, aaaa used your methods to perform his experiments,bbbb use your finding to support his hypothesis.
for niw, paper is not most imortant factor. evidence to show if you are outstanding ,and irreplacable for national benefit.

很棘手的是“as of the petition priority date”這句話,這句話本意好象是隻能提供priority date之前的evidence,priority date之後發表的文章,累積的成就都不能算數。我的140 receipt上麵並沒有priority date,485receipt上也沒有這個date。我該怎麽做?是把遞交140當成我的priority date,還是可以遞交目前所有的evidence?

第三段:Please an up-to-date listing of your personal publications citations from a respected review source.

so..you just follow the requirement.


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