上次郵寄簽證申請到BUFFALO時,表上填了我們已申請加拿大移民. 附了母親六月份從美國回中國的機票. 她隻是想跟我們登陸加拿大時去看望舅舅,然後回美. 不料加拿大簽證官以如下理由拒簽:
1. You have not satisfied me that you meet the requirements of Regulation 179; that you would leave Canada at the end of the temporary period if you were authorized to stay. In reaching this decision I considered your ties to your country of residence/citizenship balanced against factors which might motivated you to stay in Canada.
2 You have not satisfied me tha you would leave Canada at the end of your stay as a temporay resident. In reaching this decision, I considered several factors, includig:
you family ties in Canada and in your country of residence
Purpsoe of visit
萬分感謝熱心的小白兔, 如果提供中國房產證明, 存款證明並說明父親還在中國, 理由算充分嗎? 本以為加拿大簽證容易上次就沒提供以上文件. 哎, 輕敵了!
什麽樣才屬重大變化呢? 懇請小白兔見內詳情再指點.
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02/17/2008 postreply
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02/17/2008 postreply