
來源: Davidchen2007 2008-01-27 08:58:46 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1340 bytes)
We are in the same boat. I got NIW REF after a 14-month wait. DIY Case. The REF letter said that my submitted documents already demonstrated that proposed research employment has substantial intrinsic merit and national in scope. I had 7 refetrence letters, 2 from federal gov, 5 from Universities. Additional evidence required 1) evidence showed your influence in your research field is above the peers, new ciations, al least 10 years working experience, and memberships. I did REF myself. I gathered other 4 reference letters, 1 from federal gov, 3 from universities. All letters stated that my research achievement is truly outstanding, that I already became an internationally and nationally reputed expert in my feild, and that I was only person who has done...in USA. Also I submitted the copies of new citation (28 citiations), copy of be a judge(reviewed 8 articles from 3 top journals), and copy of new publications (2 journal paper, 1 proceedings, 1 abstract in international meeting). I got letters from present and previous bosses that confirmed my working experience, new employment letter and .... I wrote a cover letter which emphsized on my qualification and achievement. After subnmitting REF, my case got two LUD, but still pending. I did not get any news 50 days afetr submission. I am worried about my case so much.


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