No. I landed first from one port. Then I accompied my wife to landed at another port after one month (not necessary to accompany though). Actully, I feel the Canadian custom is pretty understanding.
Not sure, but I don't understand why you are so sure your wife can not land before expiration.
I drove there. My understanding is that, the more the custom officer understand the law, the easier the procedure. So, better big ports than small ports; airport better than land, I don't feel bad of my land landing though.
4。出美國海關時要交I-94嗎?我是F-2來美的,隻有H-1 APPROVAL NOTICE。護照上
If you drove to land, you won't meet any US officer. It's recommended that you take your I94 off from your passport.
For flight:
During your flight to Canada, flight attendant will give you the Canada Custom Declaration Form. You don’t need to fill out this form on plane. When you arrive at the airport in Canada, you will meet Canadian immigration officials. You will be asked to proceed to the landing procedure.
When you leave from Canada to US, you may find US-bound flights in the same terminal where you arrived. You will not see Canadian immigration officials in these terminals. Interestingly, you will see US immigration office after you check-in at the airline. US immigration has over 30 offices in Canada, at major Canadian airports and seaports. Once you passed the US immigration checkpoint, you have officially entered US territory. But you are still on Canadian soil.
When you fly from Canada into US airport, you will find yourself again in the domestic terminal. You will not see any US immigration officials on your way out.
You won't have any problem using H-1b, but have to pay $6
If you use AP, you will pay nothing.
Thank you very much! LD will file H-1 in one or two weeks. I do
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01/26/2008 postreply
Cann't she use her AP?
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01/27/2008 postreply