老婆是F1,OPT半年了,偶從06年12月初就遞交了公民申請,到了現在還是-----case received and pending,問過幾次都說FBI背景調查,USCIS的人還信誓旦旦說95%的人背景調查都能在半年內完成,我卻拖了1年有餘啥回音都沒有。
they always say that "under review and pending....", even for a few years.
再大家說可以找律師打官司,不過現在還沒到時間,所以想看看能不能有其他辦法先做一下,比如能不能找個議員催催什麽的,我也不知道具體怎麽辦,請高人指教...另外USCIS還說如果有些原因的話可以加速辦理,比方什麽人道主義之類,我不知道我老婆到期了我還公民不能批搞的她進退維穀算不算人道主義,總之請諸位指點...THX THX
you can try contact first lady, senator/congressman, see sample letter 這裏
your case probably hard to argue for expedite
depends on the Court and your case. There is no one can guarantee 100% win the case, that's why most of lawsuit solved BEFORE the trial, because no one can 100% predict the result, and both side to compromise and dismiss the case.
as for name check delay lawsuit, you do not have to WIN the lawsuit (means will have one prevailing party), your purpose is to pressure them to adjudicate your case, see more article for name check delay lawsuit
yes, INS/USCIS have high reputation for this kind of thing....
真是荒唐,FBI網站上說85%的name check 72小時內都return回去了
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01/15/2008 postreply