我寄出了我的EAD RENEW 申請的第二天就發現綠卡批了...然後我趕緊打電話通知銀行止付我的申請費,又在二三天之內寄去了一封written request to withdrawl my application 並且解釋清楚了原因....結果我還是收到了移民局的EAD APPLICATION 的receipt notice,緊接著不久就收到了invoice.
照invoice上的號碼打了電話,他們說我的帳號狀態已經為liability, 為了防止以後accumulated collection amount plus interest, 我應當先付了款,然後再打電話給file application 的center request refund. 我想那好吧,我就照做了...
結果打電話給了texas service center, 他門說application fee 是non refundable的.
所生氣的是我理解一般那到receipt notice後再withdrawl application /request refund of application fee 那是不行,但我的情況是寄出申請後二三天我馬上寫了written request to withdrawl application.
_:mad: _:mad: _:mad: _:mad:
• 應該高興才對, -才想辦綠卡- ♂ (149 bytes) () 12/06/2007 postreply 09:24:10
• If same thing happen in China, what will you guys say? -wallingford1964- ♂ (0 bytes) () 12/06/2007 postreply 11:41:37
• I am greedy, and I want bear feet and fresh fish both. -blackbird-md- ♂ (0 bytes) () 12/06/2007 postreply 14:02:44
• i 'd like pay double if USCIS approved my 485. -blackbird-MD- ♂ (0 bytes) () 12/06/2007 postreply 09:42:30
• 回複:氣死我..這也太不講道理了.. -sdfsdfsdff- ♀ (233 bytes) () 12/06/2007 postreply 10:08:28
• 回複:氣死我..?想想那些仍在苦苦等待的人們,這幾錢算啥? -Lyon- ♂ (0 bytes) () 12/06/2007 postreply 10:11:09
• 你不缺這幾個niao錢吧?要不大家給你捐款或你把綠卡給賣嘍? -bilibala_oh- ♀ (0 bytes) () 12/06/2007 postreply 11:25:03
• When was your name check cleared? -TigerGC- ♂ (163 bytes) () 12/06/2007 postreply 11:45:26
• wow! I am so surprised you kept my filing info.. -spotting- ♀ (393 bytes) () 12/06/2007 postreply 11:50:07
• Thanks and more questions -TigerGC- ♂ (418 bytes) () 12/06/2007 postreply 12:28:07
• in my case, I got my response letter after 1 month -spotting- ♀ (327 bytes) () 12/06/2007 postreply 12:37:27
• spotting氣量小了點,bilibala_oh,那個字念diao -pingponglover- ♂ (0 bytes) () 12/06/2007 postreply 11:53:15
• 理解小錢重要,誰的錢也不是大風刮來的。但更應該高興。 恭喜!!! -waitingI485- ♂ (0 bytes) () 12/06/2007 postreply 16:19:06