
Thanks! The article I read is written by Attorney Cheng DanHong. She mentioned that the beneficiaries of July VB current are EB2 with PD later than 01/01/06 and EB3 ...

The 485 receipt does not have my actual priority date. I think an article written by Pjiang said RD is our new PD once 485 is filed.


回複:回複:I-485應該是按照PD來批的(NC延誤的例外) -知音96691- 給 知音96691 發送悄悄話 (304 bytes) () 11/05/2007 postreply 15:12:04

Got it! Thanks! -Ocean&Bird- 給 Ocean&Bird 發送悄悄話 (180 bytes) () 11/05/2007 postreply 15:20:02

I think PD only matters at 485 final stage - visa availablity -還沒變驢呢- 給 還沒變驢呢 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 11/05/2007 postreply 15:26:41

except pre-adjudicated cases, PD also matters at the adjudicatio -jsquare- 給 jsquare 發送悄悄話 (238 bytes) () 11/05/2007 postreply 18:05:18
