衷心祝賀 gotgreencardfinally 通過艱苦努力終獲綠卡!非常感謝你分享信息和經驗!你提到其中一個努力是 file "FOIPA", 而且看來起了作用。關於"FOIPA" 過去好像從來沒有聽說過,請問gotgreencardfinally 和其他專家,朋友如下問題:
1.是要填寫 “FOIA request form” 嗎? (不是 FOIPA request form, 少一個 “P”)
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Record Information/Dissemination Section
170 Marcel Drive
Winchester, VA 22602-4843
In order to help to determine status to assess fees, select:
1) An individual seeking information for personal use
2) Affiliated with an educational or noncommercial institution, and this request is made for a scholarly purpose
3) Affiliated with a private corporation and seeking information for use in the company's business
4) A representative of the news media and this request is made part of news gathering and not for commercial use
應選 “An individual seeking information for personal use ”?對嗎?
4.關於 填表:
Enter maximum amount you are willing to pay: $ ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Explanation for a request for a waiver of fees: _
可以不填嗎? 也就是說,需要交費嗎?交多少?
再次感謝你 (們)的回複!
請教 gotgreencardfinally 和其他專家:關於FOIPA, many thanks!
• 回複:請教 gotgreencardfinally 和其他專家:關於FOIPA, many thanks! -niptup- ♀ (180 bytes) () 11/05/2007 postreply 14:21:44
• Thank you so very much for your reply! 回複:回複:請教 gotgreencardfina -rstuvw- ♂ (0 bytes) () 11/05/2007 postreply 14:25:35