Just your Canadian Passport and I-797 Approval Notice for H-1B

Since as Canadian citizen, you don't need H-1B visa stamp to enter U.S. You will get new multiple-entry H-1B I-94 form at the U.S. border inspection at the airport.


I mean new H-4 I-94 form. You do need your spouse's I-797 -giant_hippo- 給 giant_hippo 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 11/05/2007 postreply 10:41:57

Thanks a lot! a copy of I-797 or the original one? -texan777- 給 texan777 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 11/05/2007 postreply 10:49:04

理論上說複印件也行,因為上麵的內容邊境站電腦裏都能查到 -giant_hippo- 給 giant_hippo 發送悄悄話 (56 bytes) () 11/05/2007 postreply 11:08:46
