



對那些485還在TSC中心pending著不見動靜的同修們,可以follow下麵的辦法打電話過去查查看,有沒有已經被assign給了某個immigrant officer,稱為pre adjudicated,

這個方法是immigrationportal.com上的某老印ID叫做Princess Of J啥啥啥(最後一個詞忘了,汗)首創的,被稱為POJ method,非常感謝伊特的貢獻啊。我的經驗是有時候打進去趕上officer心情不好啥的,可能會告訴你無可奉告任何消息,大概50%的概率吧,換個時間多試幾次好了。


Call 1-800-375-5283
Press 1->2->2->6->1
Enter your receipt number
press 1 (now listen to the case update info....)
press 3
press 4
(If you hear a male voice prompting you to hold the call, that means the
call will be answered by an IO. But if it says no IO is available, it will
redirect you to NSC and you can hangup and try again)

另外根據spartysparty (斯巴達克)的補充,該方法“同樣適合在NSC的來查詢.輸入你的LINXXXXXXX就會轉到NSC的I/O.”多謝啦~~~

p.s.此方法同樣適用於查name check clear與否。

p.p.s. 這個trick主要是為了方便485 pending時間已久的同修,請其它485尚未file上去的或是剛file不久的蝦蝦們為大家著想,不要濫用,嗬嗬...


1. if case has been assigned to an IO, and that IO is available to answer phone:
prompting you to hold the call, that means the
call will be answered by an IO.

2. if case has been assigned to an IO, and that IO is NOT available to answer phone:
says no IO is available, it will redirect you to NSC (National Service Center) and you can hangup and try again

3. case has not been assigned to an IO: what???
恩,對的對的,非得在你和IO講上話以後才能figure out出你現在的case status來。
隻不過是說,如果你一開始就聽到no IO is available,那多半會被轉回NSC (National Service Center)的語音中心,這樣掛斷重來就好了。
