我於2004年3月申請I485的, 至今無任何進展。今年五月,寫信給總統夫人,八月收到FBI的來信,稱他們已於2004年5月3日收到我進行NAME CHECK的案子,到現在還在進程中,現在我丈夫突發疾病,隨時有生命危險。請教各位大俠、高手,我是否可以直接告FBI?
Help!!! 急!
• 回複:趕緊有病治病,告訴他們幹嘛,祝他能早日康複 -radiology- ♂ (0 bytes) () 10/08/2007 postreply 18:51:09
• 收音機!她的意思是告訴他們,看看可否用生命垂危來早點批準綠卡呢! -小燕南南飛- ♀ (5 bytes) () 10/08/2007 postreply 19:08:32
• 回複:不太可能 -radiology- ♂ (0 bytes) () 10/08/2007 postreply 19:15:37
• 回複:No. good possibility. -Six110- ♂ (0 bytes) () 10/08/2007 postreply 19:19:38
• 回複:收音機!她的意思是告訴他們,看看可否用生命垂危來早點批準綠卡呢! -馮哈哈- ♀ (192 bytes) () 10/08/2007 postreply 19:23:22
• 沒事,什麽事都可以闖過去的,別急,人才是你的,這GC早晚 -radiology- ♂ (119 bytes) () 10/08/2007 postreply 19:30:28
• 別急,一急容易糊塗 -langxing- ♂ (139 bytes) () 10/08/2007 postreply 18:51:40
• 回複:No, this is the key excuse or reason for NC -Six110- ♂ (12 bytes) () 10/08/2007 postreply 19:00:49
• 回複:回複:No, this is the key excuse or reason for NC -馮哈哈- ♀ (50 bytes) () 10/08/2007 postreply 19:53:31
• 回複:別急,一急容易糊塗 -馮哈哈- ♀ (52 bytes) () 10/08/2007 postreply 19:02:43
• 明白了,但是還是勸你 -langxing- ♂ (46 bytes) () 10/08/2007 postreply 19:10:13
• 回複:different matter. taking care a patient need long time -Six110- ♂ (166 bytes) () 10/08/2007 postreply 19:18:21
• 回複:significant reason for WOM, you will get it soon by WOM. -Six110- ♂ (0 bytes) () 10/08/2007 postreply 18:58:55
• no need for WOM, write letters -bioinfo- ♂ (138 bytes) () 10/08/2007 postreply 19:13:21
• 回複:you're right. -Six110- ♂ (0 bytes) () 10/08/2007 postreply 19:25:35
• 回複:no need for WOM, write letters -馮哈哈- ♀ (80 bytes) () 10/08/2007 postreply 19:46:20
• Use your brain. Need not tell FBI anything! -online30min- ♀ (0 bytes) () 10/08/2007 postreply 20:50:37
• Thanks a lot for your advice! -馮哈哈- ♀ (0 bytes) () 10/08/2007 postreply 21:09:34