fight back is effective way for those long NC suffers

--- For obvious reasons, Congressman Holt does not have the authority to compel the FBI to clear any case.

because those politician are not really care about immigration(since we have no vote rgith) will never take risk to force FBI to do their job (since they may execuse them for jeopardising national security. Only Judge will have power

----Also, as it has been explained to me, names are ted in a queue, and the entire queue must be cleared before any in the queue can be returned.

we all know this is not true. Lots of I485 get approved within 1 yrs, while many of us NC is still pending. Actually in many Government attorney's motion to dismiss (MTD) also argue that if judge force FBI to expedite NC, then it will make those people ahead of the line and it is unfair to others. In response, many Judge ask FBI to present evidece to show that they indeed put all NC in a queue. In most cases, FBI will clear the plaintiff's NC instead of providing more materials.

----The most frustrating thing I have seen is when checks come back from the FBI after being pending for months and years and because nobody is actively working on the case at the USCIS, they simply don’t know and don’t adjudicate the case. When the checks come back, the USCIS has the ability to adjudicate and is happy to do so quickly upon our request. I truly wish we could compel the FBI to clear a case, but we have found them to be completely unwilling to accommodate such requests.

For most of long-NC-pending, senator/congress's inquire will make difference only after your NC is cleared. Before that, WOM is still the only effective way to get it done. Many district Judge share sympathies with immigrant and are willing to force FBI.

這裏 you can find a few district's WOM status

總的原則是,你有錢多,就請律師,聯係我們可以幫你推薦有過成功經驗的律師. 你要時間多,就自己弄這裏有成套的WOM材料. 既沒錢又沒時間,那就隻能有耐心了-慢慢等吧
