急問xiaobaitu、pjiang及各大俠:I140 RFE notice missing, case over?!

急問xiaobaitu、pjiang及各大俠, 網上顯示我的I-140 RFE notice was mailed in May,2007. 但是4個多月過去了,律師還是沒有收到。其間律師打過幾次電話詢問,被告知copy of RFE will be mailed, call USCIS if still don't get it in 30days. 其間還來此谘詢過,按照xiaobaitu的建議,讓律師給USCIS寫了信,但是都石沉大海。直到今天律師再次至電,卻被告知由於USCIS didn't get any returned mail, which assumes the letter was mailed to the correct place, 所以他們不會郵寄任何Copy of RFE... 我想我的I-140至此over了,收不到RFE就沒法補材料,case denial是遲早的問題...心裏又焦急又憤怒,我們沒有任何做錯的地方,到哪裏去同USCIS講理啊?!

中秋佳節心中萬分沮喪,懇求網上各大俠的建議,幫幫忙吧!I-140 denied, I-485 will be denied as well, what shall i do?
