
1. Yes.
2. It's H-1B
3. The old border cross card (BCC) can only be used to
visit U.S. from Canada and Mexico only. But BCC was
ceased for Canadian since year 2000. Now only Mexico
people may get BCC. All Canadian/PR will be issued
multi-entry visa which can be used to go in U.S. from
any port.

Some people get 10 years multi-entry visa, but some not.
The reason of U.S. consulate issuing multi-entry visa
is because you come from a neighbor country and have
the need of coming back and forth often. In order to
get the multi-entry visa you should prove something,
and do it tacticly. For example, you work in Detroit
and live in Windsor, you definitely need multi-entry
visa. Or, you work in L.A. but has family in Toronto,
you will fly back every month. Be prepare to show you
need to cross the border often, you have strong tie to
Canada, you understand how to keep your Canadian PR
status even in such case: work in the States, which
according to law, you prepare to be back in 3 years
over a 5 years time frame.

10 years multi-entry is maximum allowed by law.
Considering that you're just a new PR and no strong tie
to this country and you're very likely to become
citizen after 4 years, which you don't need any visa
thereafter, they may just issued you 3 or 5 years
multi-entry visa instead.

Multi-entry visa is useful if you want to fly back
China frequently. But in case you can't get it, even a
one entry visa is enough for you go back forth Canada and U.S. frequently since there is no re-entry visa
needed if you just visit Canada within 30 days.
