Criminal and security checks
If you apply using the regular application process, you must submit the police certificates with your application. If you apply using the simplified application process, the visa office will contact you and ask you to provide the required documentation at a later date.
對這一段有點疑問: 1 我在美國,是不是要用regular application process?
2.如果用regular application process, 就必須submit the police certificates with your application. 考古了一下, 怎麽說是開始時不用提交police certificates, 等第二封信時才交? 請大俠們幫幫忙,解釋一下. 謝謝了!
• you can always submit police report later, no matter what proces -pr- ♀ (0 bytes) () 08/17/2007 postreply 14:00:56