回複:H-1B rejected, havetouseAP

來源: 請高手指點! 2003-10-15 17:22:00 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (551 bytes)
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I want to take a vacation in China in December.
My H-1B will expire next September. I want to apply H-1B visa in Beijing or Shanghai when I am in China.
I also have AP and EAD.
Where are you now? Still in China? Did you get your passport back? Was your passport stamped with something?
My we share information? We can talk by email or telephone. xyzhmtx@yahoo.com, Telephone: (864) 201-3388
I'll ask my lawer (working for my company for my GC) about this soon. I'll share the answers with you!
Thank you!



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