回複:回複:u should be fine

來源: cccard 2004-05-05 14:43:36 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (473 bytes)
回答: u should be finecccard2004-05-05 11:05:18
i think you should ask your International Student Advisor to sign the back of your I-20 to document the off-campus job you did as a CPT. you don't need to deal with INS for CPT approval. Explain your situation to them, should not be any problem. forget your work permit from HR. looks like HR only deals with facualty, staff issues, not student.
IRS should has nothing to do with INS, they belong to totally different gov agencies.
consult with your ISA asap. relax.


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