To: tx老菜鳥 -身份問題

來源: wannaH1 2007-08-02 07:27:07 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1688 bytes)
關於你的身份問題, 為了彌補OPT-H1間的Gap, 我覺得你可以申請2008 Fall入學,等到十月一日H1生效時再quit from school.不要拘泥於ISSO 的說法,他們中絕大多數人並非移民法專家,隻會處理普通常見的case. 最好谘詢專業律師!

You are required to stay in status until October 1, 2007. The only period of exception to this would be the 60 day grace period for F-1 students.

If you are in status and make the switch on Oct 1, 2007 there is nothing much the university can do. It also has no bearing on your future green card application.

Ramasamy Krishnan
Attorney at Law
If you want to stay in the United States you should maintain legal status. If you are on F1 currently you should stay on that status until you begin your new status of H.

If you choose to drop out of school once you begin your H it is no big deal and will not affect any future green card applications. However, if you do not maintain a lawful status during this time it will affect any future green card applications. Good luck.

Mark Ashley

我的情況與你類似, 隻是我LG 要明年才能申請公民, 我是F1, 現正找工作, 也在為身份和可能有的Gap 發愁。哎, 綠卡配偶的身份真難維持啊!!!!

P.S. 建議你勞工拿到公民後一定要給Senator Hillary Clinton 的總統大選投上一票,前不久她和另兩位參議員提出了一條移民法修正案,建議將綠卡配偶re-categorize as immediate relatives, 象我們這樣的就不用再為維持身份發愁啦!遺憾的是該提議沒能在參議院通過。




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