回複:gc2020 請進,感謝!

PP refers premium processing. you pay additional 1 grand so you can get your application cleared within 2 weeks.

Since now it's not available, you have to apply traditional 140, and it would take months or even longer to get your 140 approval.

suppose it's availabe in October, then you can file PP only to convert from traditional 140 to 140PP. i think the form is called I-907 or sth.

once you file PP, your application would speed up and you will get it within 2 weeks.

without PP, considering many people filed 140 in July, 140 could take 1 year or longer to clear.


回複:gc2020 請進,感謝! -哈佛廣場- 給 哈佛廣場 發送悄悄話 (145 bytes) () 08/02/2007 postreply 08:55:10
