How did you get access to the VO? I called 1-800-375-5283, but could not get access to VO.
I am afraid that my FP is lost. I asked my lawyer and she always tells me to wait patiently.
回複:Xiaobaotu, Missed first finger print due to missing FP notic.
回複:回複:Xiaobaotu, Missed first finger print due to missing FP not
(387 bytes)
07/27/2007 postreply
馬 上 通 知 NSC你 沒 有 收 到 , 要 他 們 重 新 發 FP通 知
(68 bytes)
07/27/2007 postreply
回複:馬 上 通 知 NSC你 沒 有 收 到 , 要 他 們 重 新 發 FP通 知
(103 bytes)
07/27/2007 postreply