看了instruction,說在哪裏file了485 就在哪file 765, 但是中間 "[ 據說485 被轉到MO 去]" 了。請問還是在最初file 485 的地方file 765 嗎?
- who said it?
If you have 485 receipt, find the address on it, otherwise the original 485 filing address
看了instruction,說在哪裏file了485 就在哪file 765, 但是中間 "[ 據說485 被轉到MO 去]" 了。請問還是在最初file 485 的地方file 765 嗎?
- who said it?
If you have 485 receipt, find the address on it, otherwise the original 485 filing address
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