他的領域屬敏感專業,以前幾次從中國簽H4都沒問題(其中一次被 FBI 做了全麵調查)。但這次領館又把他的護照扣下做調查。他為了不耽擱我和兒子的綠卡,決定讓我們先在第一時間file 485,他follow to join,再 但此時的8月17日的timing 很重要,除了他要及時拿到簽證做好體檢外,我必須在8月15日之前拿到我的receipt,my questions are:
1. Do you think I can get my receipt from NSC before August 15, since my file has been delivered on July 2?
2. What if we cannot make the date, any one can forecast the next possible chance he can file his?
3. He has to go back to work in China ASAP after his first finger print, how long he has to wait in the US to finish these procedures?
• 回複:請高人指點迷津:我家這本難念的經 -Jakefan- ♀ (47 bytes) () 07/18/2007 postreply 06:22:40
• 你作為主申請人遞485, 你的家人應可以選擇485或CP, 如果 -金色風鈴- ♀ (35 bytes) () 07/18/2007 postreply 07:26:23
• CP的全稱是什麽?是否較慢? -ColorRock- ♀ (0 bytes) () 07/18/2007 postreply 07:31:07
• 回複:CP的全稱是什麽?Consular process. -金色風鈴- ♀ (379 bytes) () 07/18/2007 postreply 08:02:22
• 謝謝風鈴!有沒有此類 DIY 的網頁,可以詳細教一教的? -ColorRock- ♀ (0 bytes) () 07/18/2007 postreply 08:22:46