Believe AILA or others?

AILA / AILF Announcement on Prevalent Rumors : Update 4
As posted on AILA to its Members on July 16, 2007

"Rumors have been rampant about whether (and, if so, how) Department of Homeland Security and/or Department of State are going to address their actions resulting in the refusal of adjustment of status filings for most employment-based applicants in July and for 'other worker' applicants during June. There have been efforts, including EXTREMELY active efforts by AILA and AILF, on all possible fronts to pressure the government into remedying its own actions. However, as of this writing nothing has been resolved and it is not known if it will be resolved without litigation. The situation is extremely fluid, and as soon as there is something FACTUAL to report, it will be posted immediately on InfoNet."


I might believe this one. 比較象他們的作風 -black0702- 給 black0702 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 07/16/2007 postreply 17:41:54
